Amar Jyoti Restaurant Sarojini Nagar Market

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Amar Jyoti Restaurant Sarojini Nagar Market

If you ever travelled towards Sarojini Market for shopping then never miss to indulge in varieties of delicious cuisines of the Amar Jyoti Restaurant Sarojini Nagar which was established in 1965.

There are many branded restaurants in Sarojini Market like Dominos, Haldiram, Flaming Wok etc but this restaurant in the middle of Sarojini nagar is a class apart.

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Chicken Lollypop

Amar Jyoti restaurant has two menus one for fast food or snacks like South Indian, Chinese and North and the other one for pure North Indian dishes. And believe me all the items of the menu are at par. These consist of Chole Bhature, Chowmein, Dosa, Idly Sambher etc.

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North Indian food comprises of both Veg and Non Veg where you can try Dal Makhanai, Kadai Paneer, Mutton Tikka, Mutton Seekh, Chicken Lollypop, Mutton Masala, Butter Chicken and much more as the menu is endless.

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Mahamaya Bastralay near Amar Jyoti Restaurant

For the new comers the place is very close to famous Bengali shop Mahamaya Bastralaya also PNB Bank ATM is situated adjacent to it

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Punjab National Bank near Amar Jyoti Restaurant

So we strongly recommend this place for the shoppers to explore apart from Haldiram and other premium restaurants.

Also Do watch ourĀ  ExploreYourTrip YouTube Channel where you will find foodie places like this.